Reconstructive Plastic Surgery and Maxillofacial Surgery

Project location: Côte d'Ivoire
Project start date: September 2009 - Project end date: October 2009
Project number: 2009-51

Timeline of the final report: 28th September - 7th October 2009
On September 28 a team of Smile Train Italia Onlus of 17 medical and logistic volunteers travelled to Abidjan (Ivory Coast) for a surgical mission in favour of children affected by cleft lip and palate. Parents from throughout Abidjan Region brought their children to Treichville Hospital hoping that their son or daughter would be chosen for surgery and have the possibility of a new life.
The medical team provided 52 children and young adults with free medical evaluations and 42 patients received free reconstructive surgery, for a total of 75 surgical procedures.
10 local surgeons, anaesthesiologists and nurses have been trained the whole period of the Mission. Italian volunteers (each one in its own field) have worked side by side with local physicians and nurses having also theoretical courses in the Hospital.
Smile Train Italia has taken the necessary equipment, drugs and supplies necessary for the fulfilment of the mission. Other monouse supplies have been bought in Abidjan as well as IV fluids. Smile Train Italia Onlus has donated to the Hospital the unused medicines, supplies and bowie machine.

During the Mission Mons. Ambrose Madtha Nunzio Apostolico in Ivory Coast, Treichville Mayor, the Minister of Health deeply supported Smile Train, the little patients and parents. A fruitful atmosphere of mutual aid and exchange of experiences permeated the whole mission. This Smile Train first Mission in Abidjan was made possible thanks to the support of the "Nando Peretti Foundation" which financed the mission, to the Emirates Foundation which had supported Smile Train for travel expenses. Smile Train wishes also to thank Prof. Rouma Bankole, paediatric surgeon at Treichville Hospital, and her team who have tirelessly worked over 14 hours per day side by side with our volunteers.
Without Nando Peretti Foundation trust and support this mission that had such a life changing impact on the lives of 42 children and their families, wouldn't have been possible.
Smile Train certainly hopes to build from this first successful program the platform for future common endeavours for the benefit of children.

Smile Train Italia ONLUS
think global, act local
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