Support to the Gaden Jangtse Tibetan Medical Institute

Project location: India, Mundgod
Project start date: February 2002 - Project end date: February 2005
Project number: 2001-18
Beneficiary: Gaden Jangtse Norling College

Final report

The Tibetan Medical Course started in March 2002. Since that very moment the classroom of Tibetan Medical Institute was situated at the carpet making building of the Monastery.
In the beginning, the whole students' group of the Institute was consisting of a Doctor from Dharamsala and ten students, according to the authoritative suggestion of the Elder Lamas. This group included a Geshe Lharampa- Geshe Lharampa means a Bachelor of Buddhist Philosophy, i.e. a monk possessing particular intellectual capability and training. After a few months, a secretary and a book keeper joined the classroom and a small office was arranged for their work. This way, the accounts of the Tibetan Medical Institute were kept separately from the accounts of the General Secretary.

The daily routine of the Medical course consisted of six hours study, three in the morning - 08,00 to 11,00 a.m. - and three in the afternoon - 02,00 p.m. to 05,00 p.m. - of which one hour was used for training the students to check up the patients, with the help of the Doctor-teacher, a Tibetan coming from Dharamsala and passed out from Tibet. The Doctor was teaching with great care and interest for the benefit of students at present and future.
In his spare time the Doctor was providing his tireless service free of charge to the monks and the patients. Every day many patients come to the Institute and the Doctor - who lives close to the classroom - cures those who the therapy of other medical sciences and hospitals couldn't cure.

As Tibetan Medicine requires lots of books, in course of 2002 the Institute purchased 70 different types of textbooks on different subjects. According to the Tibetan holistic cultural tradition, in fact, the Institute provides not only Tibetan Medicine lessons, but also Grammar and Poetry lessons, which go hand to hand. So the students have, for example, cultivated the Tibetan Grammar by the great composers Tho-mi Sambotha, Yangchen Druphell Dorjee and so on. For this reason, the College purchased 10 new textbooks, each from different types of poets.

During the three years of course, the students made good progress in their studies and they studied and learned with great determination, concentration and genuine interest in the subject-matters. They studied the Tibetan way of nervous system and memorized many parts of medicines from diverse medicine subjects. So both the teacher and the Manager of the Institute were satisfied with them.

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