Donation of Medicines to the Archdiocese of Kigali, Rwanda

Project location: Rwanda, Kigali
Project start date: June 2006 - Project end date: This project covers various years
Project number: 2006-06
Beneficiary: Diocese Caritas Kigali


Final Report, June 2011

The grant has been used for the following activities:
• Medicines purchased especially for poor patients without incomes;
• Purchase of supplementary food for patients suffering from malnutrition and people with HIV/AIDS.
• Purchase of medical equipment for both health centers (Stethoscopes, tensiometers, ambut bébé, matelas, matelas slipcover and other motherhood and consultation materials );
• Health insurance regulation for 400 people (200 people for each of the two health centers).
• Results:
1. The outcome of this project has been of a great importance, especially for patients who could have passed away because of lack of means to reach the health centers.
Most of these patients are those living with HIV/AIDS and those caring chronic illnesses; and necessary care have been attributed to them.

2. Each of the 400 people who have received a health insurance can now get to the health centers before getting seriously sick.

3. Some HIV/AIDS patients abandoned the HIV anti retroviral medicines before the arrival of this fund because of lack nutritive food. But now NPF fund has helped to supply them nutritive food, therefore a big number patients are coming toward the health centers.
4. Medical equipment was bought for both health centers to improve their daily job, because some medical exams could not be done at these health centers.

Taking into account the number of peoplee living with HIV/AIDS, in addition to the remarkable poverty in these regions,  CARITAS KIGALI is thankful to the NANDO PERETTI FUNDATION for its help to both health centers (RWANKUBA and NYANGE MUNANIRA) of KIGALI archdiocese.

Diocese Caritas Kigali
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