The Nando and Elsa Peretti Foundation Special Meritorius Patron of “Sempre Insieme Per La Pace” Solidarity Network

Project location: Italy
Project start date: February 2004 - Project end date: This project covers various years
Project number: 2004-01

[2005-02 | 2006-05 | 2008-33 | 2011-58 | 2014-062 | 2018-019 | 2019-017 | 2021-007]

The “Sempre Insieme per la Pace” Association (SIPP) was established in 1999 on the initiative of Mariapia Fanfani with the aim of continuing her humanitarian activities to bring relief to the weakest and most deprived people of society especially in the poorest countries in the world.
She focused her full attention on the most vulnerable individuals and households in Italy. She participated in specific European programs through "Together for Peace" at first and then “Sempre Insieme per la Pace” since 1987 (year when they were setablished) by distributing food aid to the underprivileged and most materially deprived individuals in our Country.

Faced with a strong increase in demand for the basic necessities of life, coming especially from Italian households and individuals who suddenly found themselves in difficulty because deprived of the means to pay for the most essential expenses for their subsistence, in 2007 the activities of "Sempre Insieme per la Pace" were focused entirely on providing support to the most needy in Italy and therefore also to the volunteers of the large number of local partner organizations (as the various parishes and non-profit associations are called today) that benefited from its aid.
Sempre Insieme per la Pace began to detect the first signs of this crisis precisely in 2007 when, faced with the need to distribute food aid at home in the best way possible since it could no longer be destined abroad - it was increasingly addressed for urgent requests for help by the volunteers of charitable institutions which asked her to intensify the work she could do in favor of a growing number of severely disadvantaged individuals. In fact, this was a time in Italy when a large number of individuals and households did not have sufficient income to make ends meet.
After a careful screening of the charitable institutions (identifying the type of activity carried out, the number of individuals to whom they provided relief and the ways in which the latter were helped), Sempre Insieme per la Pace devised a new distribution system based initially on quotas of aid limited to a range of individuals who received help, a method that was subsequently fine-tuned - especially in recent years – identifying with ever greater precision each person that received aid.
This process became ever more important precisely as a result of the economic crisis that began in 2007, and that is when - a few years later - at the local level charities came up against the effects of the depletion of food stocks (especially those to be allocated to charity) exacerbated by the food crisis.

It was in this connection that in 2014 also the EU decided to replace the previous PEAD program by the FEAD (Fund for the European Aid to the Most Deprived) with the aim of limiting the forms of extreme poverty that had the greatest impact in terms of social exclusion, including homelessness, child poverty and food deprivation.

The management of the Fund within the European Commission was transferred from the Directorate-General for Agriculture and Rural Development to the Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion; in the same way, food aid continued to be an important appendix of the FEAD, which offers not only material assistance but also important measures for social inclusion.
Sempre Insieme per la Pace welcomed this step because first of all it responded to the emergency that had arisen due to the suspension of food aid and at the same time it realized that the volunteers of various charitable institutions accredited with it had somehow already anticipated the procedures that were later adopted by the EU: out of necessity the last part of the PEAD aid was distributed by carefully screening the individuals asking for help in order to direct the aid to those most in need; this was done by using the income indicators of the individuals requesting aid, tools that have been thoroughly fine-tuned and upgraded in recent years in order to obtain snapshots of people’s income with ever greater accuracy.

FEAD enabled SIPP (Sempre Insieme per la Pace) to start an important process because it put the latter in a position to

• identify its end beneficiaries with greater accuracy;
• intensify its interventions in favour of the latter;
• share its experience with the other leading bodies that are members of the task force set up by the Ministry of Welfare and by AGEA (Ministry of Agricultural Policies) and therefore participate in the progress that the FEAD has achieved in our Country;
• operate within the framework of a European program that seeks to promote collaboration between the institutions and the non-profit organizations that fight against poverty, thus optimizing available resources;
• strengthen cooperation with the volunteers of the charitable institutions who have decided to continue their activities through this important tool that goes on being a backbone in our Country in providing support to the most disadvantaged individuals and households.

Through both European programs in favour of the most deprived - PEAD and FEAD - Sempre Insieme per la Pace has been able to provide material support to the activities of Ecclesiastical Bodies (essentially Parishes and / or Counselling Centres) and non-profit organizations committed to the fight against poverty.

In both cases, the structures that still ask to be able to benefit from European food aid

• cannot receive public funding for this type of activity (the first to be excluded were the retirement homes, then all group homes and shelters dedicated to specific categories of particularly fragile individuals, such as the disabled);
• cannot ask for any contribution or payment for the assistance offered to the most deprived;
• have the skills and comply with required conditions (in terms of settings and volunteers) to carry out the activity for which they require food aid (distribution of food baskets or baskets of home products, convenience stores, soup kitchens or support for the homeless who are given help out in the streets);
• must comply with specific procedures laid down by the Ministries having competence on the subject (currently the Ministry of Labour and AGEA) so that the aid can be traced to the final recipients.

This mechanism has succeeded in shaping and gradually strengthening a precious cooperation between the public and the private sector in providing aid to greatly disadvantaged individuals, it has made it possible to rationalize resources and promote more effective interventions by creating a fairly widespread network across the national territory which allows targeted and traced aid to reach several millions of deprived individuals.

According to ISTAT, in 2019 there were almost 1.7 million households in conditions of absolute poverty with an incidence equal to 6.4% (compared to 7% recorded in 2018) for a total number of 4.6 million individuals (equivalent to 7.7% of the total population, which in 2018 corresponded to 8.4% of the latter). After four years of increase, the number and proportion of households in absolute poverty fell for the first time, while nevertheless remaining at levels that are much higher than the levels recorded in the period prior to the 2008-2009 crisis.
The decrease in absolute poverty was largely due to the improved spending power of the less affluent households in 2019 (stagnation in consumption at the national level). The positive trend occurred in conjunction with the introduction of the Citizenship Income (which replaced the Inclusion Income) and benefitted over a million households in difficulty in the second half of 2019.
The intensity of poverty, that is, the extent to which the monthly expenditure of poor households is on average below the poverty line in percentage terms ("how poor are the poor") was equal to 20.3%  (19.4% in 2018) with values ranging from a minimum of 18.1% in the Centre of the Country to a maximum of 21.6% in the South.
In 2019, a higher incidence of absolute poverty was confirmed among the larger households: 9.6% households with four members and 16.2% households with five or more members were in conditions of absolute poverty. Instead, among three-member households, 6%  were in conditions of absolute poverty, a figure that was substantially in line with the average. Poverty increased also among households with cohabiting offspring, especially minors, passing from 6.5% of households with one minor to 20.2% of households with three or more minors. Even among single-parent households, poverty was more widespread than the average, with an incidence of 8.9%, which in any case was lower than the 11.4% recorded the previous year.
In general, household poverty shows a decreasing trend as the age of the person of reference increased: the households of young individuals generally have lower spending power because they have lower average incomes and can rely on less savings accumulated in the course of time and less inherited assets.
In 2019, absolute poverty in Italy affected 1 million 137 thousand minors (11.4% compared to 7.7% of individuals nationwide; 12.6% in 2018). The incidence varied from 7.2% in the Centre to 14.8% in the South. Compared to 2018, the conditions of minors improved both at national level and in the Centre of the Country (from 10.1% to 7.2%). A breakdown by age shows that the incidence is higher in the 7-13 age group (12.9%) and in the 4-6 age group (11.7%) compared to the 0-3 age group (9.7%) and 14 - 17 age group (10.5%), with the latter in particular showing an improvement compared to the previous year (12.9%).
There were over 619 thousand households with minors in absolute poverty, with an incidence of 9.7% (over three points higher than the average value of 6.4%). The greater criticality for households with minors also emerged in terms of poverty intensity, with a value equal to 23.0% versus the general figure of 20.3%. In addition to being more often poor, households with minors were also in conditions of greater hardship. 
Foreign individuals in absolute poverty were almost one million four hundred thousand, with an incidence of 26.9%, versus 5.9% of Italian citizens.
69.6% of households in absolute poverty were Italian households (1 million and 164 thousand) while the remaining 30.4% were households of foreigners (about 510 thousand). It is worth pointing out that the latter account for only 8.9% of total households.
According to Eurostat in Europe, in 2019, 21.1% of the European population - equal to 92.4 million individuals - was at risk of poverty or social exclusion, a slight decrease compared to 2018 (21.6%). In the same year, more than a quarter of the population was at risk of poverty or social exclusion in seven Member States: Bulgaria (32.5%), Romania (31.2%), Greece (30.0%), Italy and Latvia ( both 27.3%, 2018 data for Italy), Lithuania (26.3%) and Spain (25.3%).
In 2019, 16.5% of the EU population was at risk of poverty after social transfer (income poverty), down from 16.8% in 2018. Income poverty describes the percentage of individuals living in a household whose disposable income is below the national disposable income and is at risk of falling below the poverty line. As the thresholds reflect the actual distribution of income across countries, they vary greatly both between Member States and over time. Among EU Member States, more than 1 person out of  5 was at risk of income poverty in Romania (23.8%), Latvia (22.9%), Bulgaria (22.6%), Estonia (21, 7%), Spain (20.7%), Lithuania (20.6%) and Italy (20.3%, 2018 data).

In 2019, 8.5% of the population under the age of 60 in the EU lived in households where adults worked less than 20% of their total work potential during the past year. This percentage was lower than in 2018 (8.8%). Greece (13.8%), Ireland (13.0%, 2018 data), Belgium (12.4%), Italy (11.3%, 2018 data), Spain (10.8%), Finland (9, 7%), Bulgaria and Denmark (both 9.3%) as well as Croatia and the Netherlands (both 9.2%) had the highest proportion of those living in very low work intensity households.

The COVID-19 pandemic, its profound consequences on the whole of humanity and the persistence of constantly new effects, lead to believe that there will be extremely complex scenarios to be overcome not only in terms of health, but also from an economic and social point of view. ISTAT has already estimated that poverty in Italy has increased by approximately 30%: it has affected women in particular and has generated additional new poor (especially among the self-employed).
The Bank of Italy carried out two extraordinary surveys between April and early May and between August and September  on the basis of which qualitative assessments were made of the economic situation of Italian households, of their degree of resilience and of their expectations.
In the first phase of the lockdown, half of the individuals interviewed stated that their income had gone down despite the support they received. For 15% of the sample, income had more than halved.
The individuals most affected were the self-employed, over a third of whom suffered a reduction of income of more than 50%. Almost 40% of the sample (with peaks of over 50% among unemployed and employees with fixed-term contracts) declared that they had financial reserves for only 3 months for the purchase of essential commodities and to pay their debt instalments: this led the Bank of Italy to update its estimate of the resident population in conditions of financial poverty from 40% (in the pre-pandemic period) to 55%.

The qualitative survey carried out at the end of August revealed a slight improvement in the current and prospective conditions of our fellow countrymen. But it highlighted greater pessimism from households with self-employed household heads, due to their concerns about the impact of the pandemic on their businesses. The number of employed members fell by just over 20%. For over 20% of households with children under the age of 14, the need to look after the children entailed a reduction in working hours or giving up work altogether. 30% declared that they did not have sufficient liquid resources to meet essential expenses not even for one month in the absence of other income.

The effects of the pandemic have been mitigated thanks to income support measures such as the CIG, the ordinary allowance from the Wage Supplement Fund and the Solidarity Funds, unemployment benefits, citizenship income, emergency income, support measures for the self-employed and professionals. About a third of households benefited from at least one form of support between March and August (60% among the unemployed and 40% among the self-employed).
Despite the government support measures undertaken to continue to shield household incomes from the economic impact of COVID-19 in the second quarter of 2020, Italy still recorded the worst decline in incomes - 7.2% - among the G7 countries.

The goal of the Association continues to be that of being close to many individuals and households in dire difficulty in line with the desire of the Association’s late former President Mariapia Fanfani. The activities of "Sempre Insieme per la Pace" will continue in her memory for the important results she achieved not only at the international level on the occasion of numerous humanitarian emergencies, but also for her firm commitment in favour of the weakest and most deprived individuals in our Country. The process that began in 2007 would not have been possible without the invaluable experience previously built up by the Association and its President in this specific sector.
Along the year 2020, after the president's passing, the activities of the SIPP Association were focused on the distribution of food aid in support of all the charitable institutions active especially at the local level in one of the most dramatic moments of our history due to the COVID pandemic, which certainly makes any kind of poverty forecast anywhere in the world unpredictable.
In order to be able to be operative in favour of individuals living in conditions of dire need, the Association relied first of all on the experience gained by SIPP in the distribution of aid and on the methodologies it has adopted especially in recent years, thus enabling the volunteers working for the charitable institutions to benefit also from weekly deliveries especially of fresh products (essentially fruit and vegetables), whose commercial value is by far greater than that of other products distributed by SIPP in favour of its final beneficiaries.
Thanks also to the activation of the FEAD aid fund and thanks to the ensuing stronger collaboration among the volunteers of charitable institutions (identified by this program as OPTs - territorial partner organizations) and the local authorities in charge, the initiatives undertaken to combat poverty have proven to be much more effective than in the past, with a slight decrease in the number of individuals in conditions of both absolute and relative poverty in 2019.
The Fund for European Aid to the Most Deprived Persons (FEAD) was established by Regulation (EU) No 223/2014 of March 11, 2014.
The FEAD replaced the European Programme for the Distribution of Food to the Most Deprived Persons (PEAD), which was not properly a social intervention but, more rather a price support mechanism for agricultural products, provided under the Common Agricultural Policy.
With the creation of the FEAD, the system of donations of food and basic products to those in extreme poverty was continued. In the intentions of the European Commission, the Fund was to contribute to the achievement of the objective of reducing by at least 20 million the number of people at risk, or in condition, of poverty and social exclusion within the "Europe 2020" strategy. 
The target set for Italy was 2.2 million people in poverty.
The specific objective of the Fund is to alleviate the most serious forms of poverty, providing non-financial assistance to the most deprived persons by means of food and/or basic material assistance (clothing, footwear, hygiene products, school supplies and sleeping bags) with particular attention to the homeless and children.
The scheme requires Member States to apply for funding to support initiatives to provide food, clothing and other essential items to the most deprived. The Commission approves national programmes drawn up by Member States, which then deliver the assistance through partner organisations, often non-governmental. 
A similar approach was already in use for the cohesion funds. Countries can choose the type of assistance (food or basic material assistance, or a combination of both) they wish to provide, depending on their own situation, and how to obtain and distribute the items, either by purchasing the food and goods themselves and providing them to partner organizations, or by funding partner organizations to make the purchases
Reinstating the activities of SIPP first of all involves operating in scenarios that are totally different and constantly evolving compared to those of the past given the persistence of the COVID -19 pandemic. The first crucial point that had to be addressed in order to meet the needs of disadvantaged individuals in a concrete and effective manner was to understand to what extent we could stretch the possibilities offered by SIPP, as would have been the desire of its former President.
In order to be able to carry out this type of assessment, the work done by SIPP from 2015 to 2019 was evaluated by calculating the FEAD aid that was distributed, and which is currently still under way.

The classification of the food aid distributed by SIPP Association based on its origin and frequency of consumption (based on the model of the Mediterranean diet), showed that from 2015 to 2019, SIPP:

• distributed nearly 6,400 tons of food aid;
• of which over 5200 tonnes (81,80%) intended to cover main meals, over 670 tonnes (10,45%) of food for daily consumption; over 430 tons (6,73%) of food for weekly consumption;
• 92.56% of the aid received and distributed in favour of individuals and households in extreme distress comes from European sources (FEAD and the program under which fruit and vegetables can be collected from the organizations that produce them) or from the National Fund set up in Italy in support of the most deprived; the remaining 7.67% comes from the collection of products offered by donor companies or from cooperation with other bodies that share them to ensure delivery

Therefore choosing to close or abandon SIPP would have meant giving up more than 90% of the aid potentially at the disposal of the Association, relying on an extremely small amount (just over 80 tons of aid per year, since, in the five-year period under review, 490 tons of aid came from companies or shared with other non-profit organizations).

Method, transparency and access to SIPP food warehouses

Method, transparency and access to its warehouses, were basic pillars in order for the Association to be able to resume its activities in the city of Rome with the possibility of forging new cooperation agreements with operational organizations at a time of maximum emergency.
Precisely for this reason, SIPP renewed its accreditations with AGEA so as to be able to immediately start the distribution of fruit and vegetables, and hence benefit as soon as possible from the aid of the National Fund and of the FEAD.
In Italy, the Managing Authority for FEAD is the Ministry of Labour and Social Policies.
The management of food distribution is entrusted, as intermediate body, to the Agency for Agricultural Disbursements (AGEA) - a public law body under the supervision of the Ministry of Agricultural and Forestry Policies (which had already carried out this function for the PEAD in the past) with which the Ministry of Labour and Social Policies has stipulated a special agreement.

The Lead Partner Organizations are accredited by AGEA:

1. Italian Red Cross,
2. Caritas Italiana,
3. Food Bank Foundation,
4. Community of S. Egidio,
5. Banco delle opere di Carità,
6. Rome Food Bank Association
7. Associazione Sempre Insieme per la Pace

These are organizations, public bodies or non-governmental organizations, selected by the national authorities on the basis of particular requirements in terms of storage capacity, preservation and distribution of products, assistance capacity and traceability of flows, in whose warehouses the food products are deposited by the suppliers. They can provide for distribution to final recipients directly and/or through the network of territorial partner organizations to which they supply the foodstuffs for distribution to final recipients. 
For administrative, transport and storage costs incurred, the Lead Partner Organizations receive a flat rate of 5% of the expenses related to the purchase/value of food products deposited in their warehouses and subsequently distributed..

Sempre Insieme per la Pace, accredited with AGEA, benefits from the donation of food destined for the needy both from the European Fund for Aid to the Needy (FEAD) and from the National Fund for the Needy. In addition, it supplements the food from the two Funds with donations of food products occasionally granted by private companies and with stocks of fresh fruit and vegetables recovered through various national circuits on a weekly basis. This allows SIPP to compose more complete food packages that meet the needs of the various types of beneficiaries.
Food products coming from the European Fund for Aid to the Needy (FEAD), through AGEA, are delivered to Sempre Insieme Per la Pace every 6 months. Complementary products coming from the National Fund for Deprived Persons, again through AGEA, arrive at the SIPP Association once a year
All foodstuffs received through AGEA, or other donors and private companies are collected and stored in a large warehouse in Via Tiburno, in Rome, and then distributed during the year among about a hundred local partner organizations (OpT), for the benefit of an average of 11-14,000 people assisted on an ongoing and occasional basis.
Distributions from the warehouse in Via Tiburno are made weekly (every Tuesday and/or Wednesday) or monthly, depending on the entity and the type of food support it requires. For the storage of all donated food, the Association uses a second warehouse, not far from the main one, to which it then transports the goods to be distributed weekly/monthly.
Each local authority that receives food goods from FEAD must certify the state of actual need of the people to whom the goods are destined. For its part, Sempre Insieme per la Pace guarantees that all associations that present the certification receive the necessary quantity of food goods, commensurate with the actual number of end users.

To respond to the emergency caused by the devastating effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, especially among the weaker sections of society, the Ministry of Labour and AGEA validated the following two baskets of aid that would be distributed to the beneficiaries as declared by the OPTs that were accredited (also through SIPP) to the FEAD and FN (National Fund) aid distribution program in 2021: [TABLE, SEE GRANT AGREEMENT]

As it resumed its humanitarian activities, SIPP noted that the emergency had also strongly influenced the distribution of aid, with the better organized and better equipped OPTs in a position to continue the work. The restrictions on moving about also influenced the choice of centres from which to collect aid items (which is why SIPP has already taken stock of an increase in requests in recent months to be able to benefit from food donations coming from charitable institutions that for various reasons are no longer in the European and national aid network).

The IT Platform of the Italian Ministry of Labour

From 2015 onwards, the Ministry of Labour introduced a series of procedures - today largely implemented directly from an IT platform specifically set up for FEAD aid - which have unfortunately discouraged many volunteers from continuing the distribution of aid provided by Europe and by the Italian Government. 
SIPP, on the other hand, has done its utmost to give its assistance in complying with these procedures also because, once the initial difficulties are overcome, they alleviate most of the burden on the work of the volunteers of the charities.

At different stages the IT platform required:

• the creation of files of the individuals and households receiving aid (in accordance with the methods and limits established by the regulations in force) corresponding to the overall list of beneficiaries;
• that the SIFEAD platform be used to tick off the FEAD aid received (practice not yet fully active for all the organizations)
• that the SIFEAD platform be used for the accreditation of the organization through an identity code which at the end of 2020 was replaced by the SPID of the legal representative who, in turn, can then appoint a delegate to fulfil the commitments envisaged by the regulations in force on the matter.

In spite of the procedural difficulties combined with those resulting from the effects of the pandemic, SIPP has been able to complete its accreditation procedure for 2021 with the FEAD / FN for 6184 aid recipients and 17 organizations. 

Unfortunately it was unable to include the OPTs whose accreditation failed because their legal representative did not have a SPID (the Ministry of Finance access code) or because they were unable to produce the documentation required for accreditation (files of aid beneficiaries). In view of the accreditation of some of these OPTs that were no longer in the FEAD aid network, SIPP has organized the distribution of food baskets for about 150 beneficiaries. On the other hand, having initiated the distribution of fresh products, SIPP has also extended this service to the charitable institutions based in its territory and to the C.O.C.s (municipal operational centres which include the various civil protection groups, which in peak emergency moments have delivered food baskets to many households in difficulty).
Unfortunately it was unable to include the OPTs whose accreditation failed because their legal representative did not have a SPID or because they were unable to produce the documentation required for accreditation (files of aid beneficiaries).
In view of the accreditation of some of these OPTs that were no longer in the FEAD aid network, SIPP has organized the distribution of food baskets for about 150 beneficiaries.
On the other hand, having initiated the distribution of fresh products, SIPP has also extended this service to the charitable institutions based in its territory and to the C.O.C.s (municipal operational centres which include the various civil protection groups, which in peak emergency moments have delivered food baskets to many households in difficulty). [TABLE, SEE GRANT AGREEMENT]

In the course of this work SIPP has noticed the following:

• an ever increasing influx of charities (because as weeks go by SIPP involves an increasing number of potential local OPTs)
• a constant turnover of volunteers working for the charitable institutions: the age of the volunteers continues to be very high and therefore those who continue to work for the disadvantaged do so with due caution for themselves, for their families and also for the recipients of their work; SIPP itself has adopted warehouse practices that avoid unnecessary gatherings all the while ensuring continuity in the distribution of aid at a time of maximum emergency; as regards the C.O.C.s, their availability to collect aid is obviously affected by the COVID emergency (since they are involved in the distribution of medical devices throughout the city of Rome, beside performing other tasks, such as intervening during weather emergencies).

The charities that have already collected aid from the SIPP warehouses during the last 2 months are: [TABLE, SEE GRANT AGREEMENT]

In a few weeks of activity, SIPP has already intervened in favour of over 13,500 individuals in difficulty, with a forecast that points to an increase in the number of final aid recipients. 
In carrying out its activities, SIPP gives absolute priority - also in terms of the quotas of aid delivered - to the OPTs that distribute food baskets to individuals and households in serious difficulty, or provide assistance to the homeless (who have sharply increased during the last 12 months).

The Nando Peretti Foundation had awarded the 11th grant covering activities until December 2017.

The Nando and Elsa Peretti Foundation awarded further grants covering activities for years 2018, 2019, and for the period 2021-2023.

Specifically, the 2021-2023 project received a grant for the following objectives:

Sempre insieme per la Pace Association will be able to distribute humanitarian aid in Italy at the same pace as in the 2017-2019 three-year period. But the current state of emergency will urge SIPP to exceed the previous levels of activity and step up our presence at community level by informing all the charities that are active in the Municipality of Rome that they can benefit from the distribution of food aid stored in SIPP’s warehouse.
Indeed, it is already some weeks now that SIPP has undertaken the distribution of fruit products, an activity which is being expanded - week after week - to include a growing number of charitable institutions, with particular attention to those that distribute food baskets to individuals and households in need and those who offer assistance to the homeless out in the streets (that have increased in number because of the adverse economic effects caused by the pandemic). 
It has also started the distribution of canned food following a first donation from La Doria of over 35,000 tins.
The distribution of FEAD aid and of the aid provided by the National Fund will resume by assigning specific quotas of products in the warehouse to each end beneficiary. The interruption of this activity was deeply felt by the charities that were again accredited to SIPP and which were active during the pandemic period: many of them informed the Ministry of Labor about the insufficient amount of aid received in 2020 and the lack in recent months of essential products like pasta, milk and biscuits. 

In this circumstance SIPP was able to intervene by providing a better interpretation of the aid items which in fact are public goods that belong to the end beneficiaries. This specific and obvious interpretation confirms the validity of the distribution method adopted by SIPP that it will step up and spread out to the historic charities with which it has worked, to those that have just become accredited and to those that will want to do so in the near future.

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