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INTERSOS24 Multisectoral assistance to people in vulnerable conditions in Rome, Italy

Beneficiary: Intersos, Organizzazione Umanitaria Onlus
Location: Italy, Europe
Grant Cycle: 2021 – 2024
Type of Grant: three-year program support,
Human Welfare & Rights
Website: intersos.org

Human Welfare
& Rights

INTERSOS is a humanitarian organisation on the front line of emergencies that brings assistance to victims of armed conflicts, natural disasters and extreme exclusion, with particular attention to the protection of the most vulnerable people.

Since its foundation in 1992, INTERSOS has based its action on the values of solidarity, justice, human dignity, equal rights and opportunities for every person, respect for diversity, coexistence and attention to weak and defenceless people. INTERSOS started its intervention in Italy in 2011, with project A28, an informal night reception centre in Rome that offered humanitarian assistance to more than 5.000 unaccompanied and separated children (UASC) between 2011 and 2017 and created a key safe place for UASC in transit in Italy. In an effort to better address vulnerable migrants’ needs and protection risks assessed through its intervention, INTERSOS decided to widen the extent of its programming in 2017 by developing project A28 into the INTERSOS24 Primary Care and Reception Centre. The centre is situated in the peripheral neighbourhood of Torre Spaccata, one of the most complex neighbourhoods in Rome from a socio-economical point of view. Between 2017 and 2019, INTERSOS24 offered protection and multisectoral assistance to more than 800 beneficiaries, including UASC and accompanied children, young adults, and women exposed to gender-based violence.

INTERSOS is one of the long-time partners of the Nando and Elsa Peretti Foundation in Italy. The collaboration started in 2011 with a project to provide safe and healthy assistance to unaccompanied migrant minors in transit in Rome. INTERSOS also received grants from NaEPF in 2013, 2014, 2015 and 2017. During the COVID-19 emergency, the NaEPF aided INTERSOS in activating operations focused on supporting the implementation of anti-COVID-19 measures for homeless people and/or socially excluded people. In 2021, the Foundation renewed the collaboration with a three-year support program to INTERSOS24.

The INTERSOS24 project aims to protect and respond to the health urgent needs of migrant and refugee children, young adults, women and families in Rome who are outside of the formal reception system; while at the same time promoting their social and economic inclusion. A specific focus is paid to survivors of gender-based violence (GBV) and individuals at risk of GBV, who are provided with tailored information and services aimed at empowering them. INTERSOS24 represents a safe space where UASC, young adults and single women/with their children, including GBV survivors, who are outside the formal reception system, can access different services and activities that are age and gender sensitive. These services include night reception (n. 20 beds are available), accurate information, case management, age-specific psychosocial support, job orientation, socio-educational activities, community mobilisation, and referrals to external services. INTERSOS24 also includes a healthcare clinic, where primary healthcare, psychological and psychotherapeutic support, and health promotion activities are provided. Furthermore, static activities conducted at INTERSOS24 Center are supported and integrated by outreach activities through Mobile Teams in socially excluded settings in Rome, such as squats, informal settlements, suburbs and station’ areas. These activities are aimed at providing vital information, healthcare and other essential services as well as referrals to INTERSOS24 and to other services, s to populations that otherwise would be difficult to reach. Reaching out to socially excluded vulnerable groups, ensuring that they have accurate information about their rights and entitlements, and effectively delivering services to them, represents a key current challenge.