Supporting children and teenagers in situations of social and economic disadvantage in Italy through Casa Maria Luigia Pighini summer residence
Grantee: L’Accoglienza Società Cooperativa Sociale Onlus
Location: Italy, Europe
Grant Cycle: 2023 – 2026
Type of Grant: three-year program support, Human Welfare & Rights
Website: www.coopaccoglienza.it
Human Welfare
& Rights
L’Accoglienza Onlus is a social cooperative established in Rome in 1990, with the objective of promoting social solidarity through the management of social services oriented primarily to responding to people’s needs, especially those with shortages or family hardship. L’Accoglienza has been working for over 30 years in the promotion of family home services through the so called Casa Betania, which provides food and lodging, assists in finding work and a house, and offers psychological, social and spiritual support to mothers and children who are experiencing social or family problems. The House also hosts children, from birth to 14 years old, under suggestions of Italian social services or the Minor Court. Three more foster houses have been established over the years, in addition to the strengthening of projects related to the promotion of family custody; social enterprise projects for the employment of women in difficult situations; parenting support services and; social and cultural awareness activities.
Elsa Peretti through the Nando and Elsa Peretti Foundation (NaEPF) granted the use of Casa Maria Luigi Pighini, her summer family house in Fregene, to L’Accoglienza Onlus. The holiday home continues to provide many children and teenagers from L’Accoglienza family homes with experiences of leisure, vacation, and fun during the year, holiday and vacation periods. These are minors who have limited opportunities to get out of their daily environment to discover different realities and have new experiences, be they cultural, sporting, educational or just for fun. Since 2023 the NaEPF has been supporting a program of sports and cultural activities that provide precious moments of fun and serenity to minors with significant social and economic vulnerability. More than 50 minors have the opportunity to enjoy the program in a safe, healthy and welcoming environment, guided by educators who encourage their development and participation.
“During my childhood I spent my summers in the house of Fregene, near the sea, in the middle of a beautiful pine forest. The garden was big, and my mother loved taking care of it. She loved this house very much and so, in her memory, when I inherited it, I decided to give it to an association that looks after severely disabled and abandoned children. Every summer it fills with their happy voices, they can go there on holiday and watch the sea. It is now called Casa Maria Luigia Pighini. It could not have been better used.”
Elsa Peretti